Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Well, I took the plunge and bought myself a Kindle for Christmas.

Yes, books are nicer, but we're getting overrun with them and have run out of storage space. And I thought that if it turned out that I hated it I could always sell it.

But I don't hate it. It's very easy to use and because the screen isn't backlit there isn't the glare that has put me off reading lots of stuff online. You can choose the size of type that suits you best. And it's much lighter than a book.

I wish I'd had it for the Pompeii book (see below), because the pictures are much clearer on the Kindle version.

On the other hand, every book you read on a Kindle looks the same, so you can't have that visual and tactile memory of a particular book. The people who design books generally do a good job in making them attractive. That's where the iPad scores over the Kindle - the page looks much prettier. But it's hugely expensive, much heavier, shines a bright light in your eyes, and constantly needs recharging, unlike the Kindle which will go on for about three weeks being used for an hour a day before needing to be plugged in.

All in all, I'm pleasantly surprised. In next to no time you get sucked into the book itself and forget the medium.


  1. Colin Gale7:35 pm

    It also has a basic web browser so you can check your favourite book review blog when you're out and about...like I'm doing.

  2. Anonymous10:52 pm

    But you can't glance over on the Tube and think 'So s/he's reading such & such....'
