Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Gripping and thought-provoking - a fantastic read.

Inspired (if that's the word) by the Joseph Fritzl case, it's narrated by 5-year-old Jack. His Ma (we're never told her name) has given birth to him in the reinforced garden shed in which she has been imprisoned since being kidnapped as a 19-year-old by 'Old Nick'. It's the only world Jack knows, so thanks to Ma's love and attention he doesn't seem to be that unhappy. He loves watching TV, but he thinks that nothing he sees on screen is truly real – unlike him, Ma and the things in Room.

At first I thought the way Jack talked was way beyond his years, but then I realised that with the 24/7 one-to-one attention he's getting his literacy and numeracy would be incredibly advanced.

But now that he's five Ma realises that Jack may be capable of understanding and helping to execute an escape plan...

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