Sunday, November 21, 2010

RICHARD RUSSO That Old Cape Magic ***

Richard Russo can write sublimely, so it's a shame that this book didn't really work.

It's another example of a writer pursuing ideas at the expense of a coherent story. The theme on this occasion is the influence our parents have on us - even in our 50s and 60s. It wasn't surprising to read that Russo wrote this book to help him come to terms with the recent death of his own mother.

The main protagonist is Jack Griffin. As a child he and his parents always holidayed on Cape Cod. He and his wife honeymooned there. And at the start of the book they're back to attend a wedding - with Jack's father's ashes in the boot and his mother permanently on the phone, sniping and being very snobbish.

A year later they're there again for their daughter's wedding, but a lot of water has flowed under the bridge in the intervening twelve months.

As always Russo is sympathetic to all his characters and there are some very moving parts. But weirdly there are also some slapstick comedy sections that seen to have come from a totally different novel. So a real curate's egg of a book - good in parts.

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